Purposeful Pay Period
Google Sheets Budget Template
Does This Sound Like You?
- You want to steward money wisely in your household
- You want a simple way to budget and keep track of finances
- You want to be intentional with money management and communicate effectively with your spouse
Why You’ll Love This Template
Perks of using Google Sheets to budget:
- It’s accessible on every device – Budget on your laptop at home or check in on your phone while pumping gas!
- Can be shared with others – Great for budgeting with a spouse!
- Costs less than most budget software subscriptions – Buy once, and you have access for life!
What’s Included:
Categories Sheet
- Customize your income and expense budget categories on the master Categories sheet
Net Worth Sheet
- Track you assets and liabilities month to month throughout the year
Bill Organizer
- Bill Tracker
- Subscriptions/Recurring Expenses
- Check Tracker
- Summarizes budget information throughout the year
- Quickly review budget vs. actual spending, income vs. expenses, and debt and savings goals
Monthly Pay Period Budget Sheets
- Zero-based budget
- Track up to six pay periods every month
- Simple, clean design
Other Features
- Tutorial video
- Transaction log that auto-fills the budget template
- Financial Goals sheet
- Access to future updates